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Linen series exclusive event 11.11-11:11am start 11.22-22:22pm end 11 days all linen series enjoy 30% off have bought our clothes must know that our linen is good because we love the comfort of natural materials Even after the spring and summer, I will continue to wear fall and winter with the inner clothes and pants, put on linen or coat put on the linen shawl of mixed wool, so short, spring, summer, autumn and winter linen allows you to wear it freely * Natural, straightforward and comfortable made a bold white dress splash ink patten makes people look like just like the artist who just overturned the ink right? * Tiner Couture linen clothes created by himself Flax grows in wet and rainy places has a strong personality can go through the chain washing with the years Flax is very unique and will become very soft Very comfortable can adapt to your body Linen has natural breathability, moisture absorption, and moisture removal allows the body to breathe freely Linen has natural texture and wrinkles can form a unique life line gives a soul Remind us with a rustic look to enjoy this gift of nature Hope one day Tiner Couture’s own linen clothes can enter your home and create your life story with you make life more comfortable and comfortable * Model: CS201402-2 Color: White Material: Normandy 100% Pure Linen Linen Features: Comfortable, breathable, quick-drying, non-allergenic pure natural top linen サイズ サイズ/寸法 ウエスト(cm) スカート丈(cm) F 38 91 サイズガイド
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