『秋草オウム、モモオウム、バークスオウム、小さな人形、丸い体、チャーム、ピンを追加可能、カスタマイズ可能、色変更可能、手作り毛糸か Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月20日 23時 01分に出品され04月20日 23時 01分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,941円に設定されています。現在586件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。山口県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Autumn Grass Parrot, Peach Parrot, Burkes Parrot, Small Doll Doll & Round body shape, charms can be added, pins can be customized and the color can be changed, handmade woolen crocheted small objects, bird pets If you have other designs you want, please send me pictures first. Small doll model without any pendant accessories costs NT$500 each. Height excluding tail is about 5cm. Approximately 7cm including tail. Round body doll without any pendant accessories costs NT$560 each. Height excluding tail is about 5~6cm. The nest (NT$180) can accommodate 4 small ones. It can also accommodate 3 small eggs + 1 egg (NT$100). Or 1 Yuanyuan + 1 egg. Orders can be placed directly. The colors used in the sample model are pink orange body and pink body, and the eyes are dark red. The recommended colors for peach parrots are shown in Figure 5. You are welcome to customize the color matching you want! You can also use different colors for the body and wings! If you want to choose other colors or accessories: The upper half of picture 18 shows other optional body colors, and the lower left shows 17 types of roses, 1 type of star, and 1 type of heart in the sky. The lower right shows the options for extra price. Choose from 25 colors of bow ribbons. The placement is chosen for you. You can also choose from the charms, pins, buzzers, hair clips, hair ties, etc. shown in Figure 17. (You need to press the buzzer hard. The sound is a bit low.) ※ NT$10 will be added for each additional jewelry or pendant. ※The keychain is an additional NT$20. If there are any unnecessary parts, please tell me, such as changing dark red eyes to black eyes. Anyway, if you have any ideas, please tell me. 中文. Japanese. English OK! Feel free to talk with me :)
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