『塗らエナメル青色ストライプカップ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から05月10日 14時 25分に出品され05月10日 14時 25分に終了予定です。即決価格は2,795円に設定されています。現在264件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。群馬県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Enamel Art Street & Enamelstreet Alices Whimsical Hand Painted Water Blue Striped Enamel Teacup 400ml 2017XMAS * Alices Whimsical World Series * There are days in Alices coming into the magic book, making her unthinkable Cantaloupes vines keep covering the pale blue sky pumpkins also climb Alices pale powder dress The black knight in the distance slowly walks with her to the castle ... * Unique Charm * Painted enamel breaks through the general flow back and forth, sloshing techniques, especially in the outer layer using the touch brush strokes smear, the performance of color mixed with mashup is full of unique hand feeling , So the cup thick and tactile touch, to pay the fashion taste, cultural and creative new look of enamel * Color * Cup body - water blue with warm white and white interlacing, warm white free to contaminate eight colors to create Special Handmade Cup - Warm White * Size * Approx. 400ml Cup 9cm Dia X9.5 Cup Width x Dia Height x Height 7cm (H) * Material * Cups - Iron / Coating - Enamel / Setting Tongs -304 Stainless Steel Ring * Origin * Taiwan * Use caution * A. Painted enamel Visual, touch are full of hand-made appearance, so receive the goods, do not be surprised! This is the unique visual feeling of painted enamel. B. Enamel art street enamel goods are small, limited production, please confirm the current product inventory before placing an order. C. Enamel products are handmade, the product surface will appear a little black spots, bubbles, hanging traces, such as the rim, the handle inside, are the normal process of enamel, does not affect the use of goods, if the perfect Do not order a doctrine D. Enamel products are subject to SGS security inspection [SGS Report No. CT / 2015 / C0440], enamel glaze will not fade doubts, please rest assured to use. E. Enamel Products Avoid over-pressing, strong impact with sharp objects, if the surface is found to glaze, spalling, it is recommended to stop using or contact us. F. Clean it with a mild detergent and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. G. Enamel products The embryo body is made of metal, suitable for young children, but to prevent enamel damage, improper use, it is recommended to accompany adults to use. H. Enamel ware Because of the excellent effect of keeping warm and keeping ice, it is recommended to use the insulation pad to avoid the hot feeling when touch the heating source. I. Enamel products suitable for direct fire gas stove, induction cooker direct heating, but please do not cook and use the microwave oven heating. J. Enamel products do not use an instantaneous alternating use of hot and cold, easily lead to enamel thermal expansion and contraction damage situation, the proposed alternating hot and cold, are first placed at room temperature and then use.
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264 入札履歴