『[トラベルキット]パスポートカバー+円形ラゲージタグ│オリジナルレザー│パスポート+荷物タグ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月22日 19時 12分に出品され04月22日 19時 12分に終了予定です。即決価格は10,887円に設定されています。現在597件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。奈良県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Passport Set Simple and lightweight Passport Holder that can hold one passport and one credit card for a relaxing trip - Material: Cowhide Dimensions: W10xH14.5xD1cm Round Luggage Tag Geometric design with kraft paper on the back Can write basic information. Material: cowhide, nylon rope, hardware, kraft paper Dimensions: 9cm in diameter, 14cm in rope length ☞ Customizable text │ May discuss content and location │Leather Care │ 1- Made from European imported vegetable tanned leather, each shade of leather has a slight darkness and lightness as a natural phenomenon. Leather leather is like human skin, and it will inevitably lead to wounds or natural growth patterns. 2-series products retain hand-dyed brush strokes. After a series of color tests, the most satisfying hue and color ratios are produced. Therefore, each item is unique. 3-colored products will not fade without deliberate rubbing, but plant calfskin features will decrease color saturation over time. 4- leather is close to beige. It will increase the color and appearance due to the frequency and habits of everyone. It is like a diary that records our life story. 5-Leather should not be soaked in water. If wet, place it in a ventilated place. Do not expose to the sun. 6 - Frequent use is the best way to maintain, so that the oil in your hand nourishes your leather. If you feel dry leather corners can use leather care oil wipe. 7 - Store in a dry place to avoid squeezing. 8 - Shallow dirt can be lightly wiped with a clean cotton cloth. Deep oil can not be easily removed. The longer it takes, the less obvious, so use with care! And with a relaxed attitude to face ~ Origin / manufacturing methods leather leather │ Taiwan original │ handmade brushing │ exclusive custom
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