『スカーフNo.252 *Rebirth* 日本アンティーク オレンジシルク 立体感ステッチ 伝統柄糸 ボールスカーフ ショール Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月21日 02時 20分に出品され04月21日 02時 20分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,351円に設定されています。現在350件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。鹿児島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
No. 252 *Rebirth* ★Size: about 168cm long, about 30cm wide ★Material: Japanese antique silk fabric + Japanese knotted cotton + Japanese tencel cotton and linen blend, semi-precious stone beads ★Applicable season : Spring, Summer, Autumn ★Features: s unique, hand-sewn work takes a long time to make, but it can consider the pattern of the fabric itself, only pick up a few warp or weft threads to fix the fabric, hide the stitches, and achieve the perfect fix for the fabric. Deformation does not affect the overall integrity of the work, and both sides can be perfectly presented, avoiding the stitching that occurs in machine sewing. Each piece is sewn with the designers own hand-polished and dyed distressed brand bronze medals and exclusive storage bags. The work includes packaging, suitable for gift giving. ★Note: The work does not contain pins ★Design concept At first glance, this piece of fabric is a traditional pattern of warm pink and orange wound balls of thread, but at first glance, it is actually made of many similar fabrics. Stitch them together to present the full theme. This has to admire the ingenuity of the craftsman, how much patience and discernment it takes to make these fabrics that are about to lose their lives regain their vitality. Take a closer look. The needle and thread are so delicate that I cant bear to take it apart. But the previous craftsman used a single thread to connect these patterns. Therefore, I decided to keep the original ingenuity and revisit the original craftsmans journey with needles and threads. Path, strengthen the stitches by hand to preserve this beauty. The main body of is a silk product with traditional Japanese patterns, the back is made of satin silk fabric, and the edge is reborn with crystal and round semi-precious stones beads. The main body of this work is silk, which is very delicate, so it is soft against the skin, which is very suitable for collectors who like a soft touch. ★The beauty of hand-made lies in the careful consideration of every needle and thread. Each piece has a unique vitality. サイズ 長(L): 168cm寬(W): 30cm純手工製品可能會有些微的誤差(盡量控制在0.5cm)
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350 入札履歴