『クリスマス交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフトバースデーギフト母の日カシミヤカシミヤニットカシミヤスカーフピュアウールスカーフショー Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-17e346305fから04月26日 11時 20分に出品され04月26日 11時 20分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,635円に設定されています。現在620件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。大分県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲Kashmir is close to the Himalayas. In order to combat the special cold climate, in addition to the wool on the surface of the goat, a layer of soft short hair will grow between the skin and the long hair at the end of each autumn to enhance the warmth. This thin and short fluff is "Cashmere", which is not only light and soft, but also extremely warm. ▲I like the sound of the shuttle hitting the wooden slats when weaving. There is always a simple sense of tranquility. It is a traditional handicraft from the Himalayas. production techniques made to Kashmir ▲ iconic traditional hand-woven jacquard, each piece of art are all detailed, making the process time consuming, unique ▲ simple temperature feel, do not wear fine wool skin, pro A good choice for skin and warmth ▲Fresh colors, you can see the details ▲The fringe feels on the edge, the material is comfortable and warm ▲According to the good mood of the day, there can be a variety of surrounding methods, which can be used in air-conditioned rooms, or Traveling abroad is light and warm ▲Let the shawl take good care of you and no longer catch a cold in winter ▲Hand-made jacquard details on the back ▲New flower design, each color is unique, meticulous and solid traditional weaving ▲With Feel the shawl to travel the world! It is also a creative gift for autumn and winter. ▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is also very convenient for you to give gifts. ▲Washable, it is recommended to wash by hand, machine wash requires a laundry bag ▲Material 100% Himalayas Kashmir Wool ▲Size Width 100 cm Length 200 cm Because each persons measurement method and position are slightly different, the dimensions are all horizontally measured by hand. Due to factors such as fabric elasticity and starting point of measurement, there will be a slight error from the actual size. The error size ±3cm is the acceptable range of international inspection standards. ▲Suggested cleaning method 1-Put an appropriate amount of washing powder in a rubber tub, adjust it evenly with warm water, put the scarf flat in the water tub, open your hands and press firmly. , 30 times, let the washing powder solution pass through the gaps of the scarf fibers so that the fibers will not entangle with each other. 2-Use the same technique for overwater cleaning until the scarf is clean. 3-Knead the scarf to dry. When drying the scarf, spread it flat on a towel or drying rack, and dry it naturally in the shade, because ultraviolet rays will make the wool yellow.
手織り 二重織 タッセル チェック モノトーン Handwoven NMMS21110 Ω
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¥ 6630
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¥ 3900
クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフトガールフレンド誕生日ギフトエスニックスタイル特大純綿シルクスカーフ手作り木版画印 Ω
¥ 7455
クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフトガールフレンド誕生日ギフトエスニックスタイル超大型純綿シルクスカーフ手作り木版画 Ω
¥ 7455
マフラー 手編み 模様編み チャコールブラウン Ω
¥ 2340
絹100% 起毛マフラー&ショール 先染 チェック柄 Ω
¥ 2730
可愛いフリルのマフラー ホワイト Ω
¥ 5304
620 入札履歴