『春のダンス、カラフルな色、ドライフラワー、永遠の花、バレンタインデー、誕生日の花(吊るすことができます) Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月20日 11時 50分に出品され04月20日 11時 50分に終了予定です。即決価格は3,804円に設定されています。現在594件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。栃木県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Spring dance. Colorful colors. Dried flowers. Everlasting flowers. Valentines Day. Birthday flowers. The sunshine of spring. Warm The fragrance of flowers in the wind. The long drifting Butterflies fly. The petals follow your footprints. I follow the flowers. Gift size length, width and height about 9-20-30cm materials used essential oil diffuser flower. Golden stick flower. Rabbit tail grass. Starry sky. French Xiaoju. Imported hydrangeas. Permanent hydrangea Dried flowers. Preserved flowers. Permanent flowers Some materials will be adjusted according to the season Shipping packaging Will be shipped in a paper box tied with forged tape Shipping method If you choose delivery The time from shipment to delivery is 3 days Example: Shipment at 13:00 on Monday, pick-up at 13:00 on Wednesday (shipping after 17:00 is deemed to be shipped the next day) In order to ensure that the flower gift is delivered completely Flower gifts do not provide delivery service. Applicable occasions Flower gift materials are made of non-withering flowers (stellar flowers, immortal flowers) and dried flowers. Therefore, they can be placed for a long time and do not require watering and Rizhao. Suitable for home decorations, birthday gifts and personal desk decorations. Cleaning and maintenance Preserved Flowers are also called stellar flowers or eternal flowers. is originally from France and has become popular in Europe, America, Japan and other places in recent years. is made from flowers using special processing and can last for 2 to 3 years without watering or sunlight. How to preserve non-withering flowers Non-withering flowers have the same moisture-retaining texture as fresh flowers and can be preserved and enjoyed for a long time. Avoid high temperature and humid environments and places exposed to direct sunlight. When is stained with dust, you can gently blow it with cold air from a hair dryer or gently wipe it off with a soft brush. Dry&Handmade Flowers dried flowers are mostly made by natural air-drying, then faded and colored, and spliced to create different textures and appearances. to preserve dried flowersLINEBREAKAvoid high temperature humid environment, and direct sunlight. When is stained with dust, you can gently blow it with cold air from a hair dryer or gently wipe it off with a soft brush. [Notes] ※Product pictures may have slight color differences due to different personal computer screen equipment. The actual supply style of the product shall prevail. ※If these products have been unpacked, used, or disassembled and thus lack integrity, they cannot be returned! #PeanutmaniFlower #干花# immortalflower#不withered flower #bouquet#bridal bouquet#wedding bouquetLINEBREAK #dry bouquet #valentine#christmas#exchange giftLINEBREAK birthday#birthday gift # wedding小物# Chinese Valentine Day giftLINEBREAK #开户#promotion
選べる色合い ミニブーケ Ω
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【ビッグサイズ】木の実のパネル X-412 Ω
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【ビッグサイズ】木の実のパネル X-411 Ω
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【選べる4カラー】ドライフラワーのミニブーケ Ω
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【予約販売】枝のガーランド 山野草 スワッグ 大きめ4種 ドライフラワー *選べる花材 Ω
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【予約販売】枝のガーランド ユーカリ グリーン スワッグ 大きめ4種 ドライフラワー *選べる花材 Ω
¥ 4758
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White&pinkカラーブーケ*Msize Ω
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ピンク フラワーバルーンブーケ バルーンフラワー Ω
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かすみ草 ドライフラワースワッグブーケ 韓国風ラッピング Ω
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594 入札履歴