『[伝統的なHuDu HOODOO-4つの要素の魔法のオイル/スプレー]-地球、水、風、火、エネルギーを呼び込み、個人のエネルギー Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-e6ccf21db3から04月15日 20時 31分に出品され04月15日 20時 31分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,894円に設定されています。現在224件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。長崎県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
[Traditional Hudu HOODOO-Four Elements Magic Oil/Spray] Using the magic oil of your own constellation can help strengthen the good characteristics of the constellation and improve the overall fortune, helping you have a smoother and richer personal development, and make you inner Both externally and externally can become stronger. Earth Magic Oil/Mist: summons the power of the earth, bringing money, prosperity, abundance, stability and creation. Connecting to the earth, we are also connected to all things on the earth, plants, animals and the earth. The earth brings us the power of action, allowing us to implement energy and create substantial results. Water Magic Oil/Mist: invokes the power of water to promote love, healing, awareness, purification, etc. Through water, we are nourished, we accept our emotional flow, and let the water wash and heal the deepest wounds. Wind Magic Oil/Mist: summons the power of the wind to promote clear thinking, magic for travel, and overcoming addiction. Wind brings lightness, flow and joy. In the flow of wind, we learn to create change in a light way. Fire Magic Oil/Mist: calls into the power of fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, passion, etc. Connect with fire, you will find the enthusiasm for life and the connection with the earth, fire develops our spiritual path, in fire, you experience complete transformation. "Magic Oil Contents" Base Oil: British Virgin Jojoba Essential Oil: Aromatherapy Grade Pure Natural Essential Oil (Aromatherapy Home/Shuya) Capacity: Magic Oil 10ml (Roll-on type) "Magic spray content" 75% alcohol/100% pure water essential oil: Aromatherapy grade pure natural essential oil (Aromatherapy home/Shuya) capacity: 100ml magic oil is based on traditional Western The ancient formula of magic oil is hand-made pure and natural. The ingredients of magic oil include pure natural plant essential oil, base oil and mineral energy. During the production process, the energy and purpose of the magic oil are different, and magic rituals and energy prayers will be given. Those in urgent need of this product should not buy it. do an allergy test first effect of magic varies according to the strength of beliefs women, children and pets please avoid using
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224 入札履歴