『[小山] KYM-S75 21インチWukeliliマホガニーマホガニーソプラノウクレレ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から05月27日 11時 53分に出品され05月27日 11時 53分に終了予定です。即決価格は9,829円に設定されています。現在913件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。滋賀県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
A fine trim, full of the piano mind chrome function is not only , in addition to the master can show craft and beauty, the most thing is to increase the panel through the panel and side panels grasp the degree of protection of Ukraine Lili does not break in the collision; it will not crack for a long time. 75 SERIES In order to create a and rugged Ukrainian lined, we first carefully cut Rosewood and Maple, which are bonded and pressed to ensure that the two woods have been stably combined. Quality Keeping Uclilvy is made of almost all wood. Wooden instruments are most afraid of temperature and humidity changes and deformation, especially the piano handle part. Finger board selection texture clear and delicate rosewood, neck after 6 months of natural dry, KOYAMA production plant at any time more than 40,000 piano handle in the natural dry, so that the production of Ukrainian Lili is not subject to external Environmental impact and deformation. For quality, we have invested a considerable amount of time and the cost of preparation. In addition to the of the wood material, which will affect the Ukrainian Li sound quality accessories, put the string line, string button, upper and lower string pillow ... are in the mountain teachers request, the use of higher cost material. with good wood, , coupled with , skilled master of the system, so KOYAMA sound vigorous, and the frequency of bright! Tailing KOYAMA Each piano has been installed with straps, with a dedicated strap to make it easier for you to play Ul Lili. Item ID Model: KYM-S75 Body Style Size: 21 "Soprano Top Panel: Mahogany Back / Sides Side Back: Mahogany Fingerboard Fingerboard Rosewood Bridge : Rosewood Fret Piano: 12 String String: Aquila Scale Chord Length: 348mm Nut Pillow Pillow: Steel Material PPS ※ Piano has been checked before being sent, but because it is a new string, Tuning for a while will gradually stabilize down. ※ One year warranty (string, not covered in the warranty)
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