『手描きのYinxiaガラス猫ライトボックス常夜灯装飾ランプオリジナルデザイン(カスタマイズされた動物、ペット) Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から05月22日 13時 47分に出品され05月22日 13時 47分に終了予定です。即決価格は16,971円に設定されています。現在866件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。鳥取県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The feet of the light box are made of forged brass pillars, so that you can find ingenuity in the details when you look closely. hand-painted cats, using a mosaic-like style to draw one by one, not only can you see its beauty when you turn on the lights at night, but it is also a spiritual adjustment to enjoy in the space during the day, adding a different texture to life . Paint: The general direction of our creation is to make works that consumers can use for a long time. We strictly examine every detail and corner. outer coating of LINEBREAK, we choose to use German Osmo 3044 natural "primary color" wood protection oil, with natural combination of raw materials, after drying, it is harmless to the human body and children, and at the same time guarantees the safety and health of the author and user. Please feel free to use it. *****Note: Our standards for materials are the same, but because wood is a natural material, even the same wood species, the color and texture of each batch of wood will be somewhat different. ● There are two options for lighting the form: ▸USB plug (multiple pieces of small light bulbs) ▸ jack (warm white bulb) dimensions: 15 x 11 x 17.3 (high) Keep clumsy handwork: follows my father’s wooden signs and spirit ten years ago, pays attention to a solid touch, best to maintain a simple and straightforward nature in creation. object will grow a story on the collectors body, durable, attractive and intriguing. The hand-work that retains the simplicity of the work is the embodiment of the hand-work. Shou Zhuo is a product related to life, selected wood, high-purity metal, and hand- can be made into a form that can be integrated into the mountains and the wild, and can also be put into the home; can be made For daily use, it can also be in the form of recall or meditation. I hope it can stay with you for a long time, I hope your children can still see and use it. One day, someone will say, what is this pottery for? So lovely! Someone would say, what is this wooden box for? Really do it with heart! people will say, how is this ring made? So detailed, so special! This is what we are after, may be out of values LINEBREAK However, we can only have one belief. Facebook titled "Shouzhuo Handjob" Friends who like it, please click like on the Facebook fan group
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866 入札履歴