『ブラックベジタブルなめしの革_ PCケース版バックル原子真鍮(MacBook Proの網膜13「」) Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月30日 16時 58分に出品され04月30日 16時 58分に終了予定です。即決価格は14,110円に設定されています。現在501件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。富山県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
[Product Description] most personal computer holster, easy into the bag, service stickers, like a womans second layer of skin makeup not much space, but can protect your favorite computer through linen color And leather color clever combination, you can skillfully show personality, temperament Oh. [Specification] Size: Approx. 34.5x24cm Vegetable Tannery: Black Twine: Kwai Hong Size: Macbook Pro Retina 13 [Ordering] > Color: Black tannery > twist line: simple white, cherry red, orange orange, sunflower, dark green, bright blue, dark [About vegetable tanning leather] Vegetable tannins are tanned with plant extracts of tannins Into the leather, peace of mind, natural, does not contain harmful substances on the human body, in the daily use, and gradually generate a unique pattern and leather color, as if with the user to show life experiences. [Please note before shopping.] 1. Plant tannins are made in a natural way, and the leather itself has the original scar or its own folds, etc., and the best parts are selected. 2. The color of the work may vary depending on the PC screen. 1. During the production process, all parts of the leather will be coated with maintenance oil, after receiving the finished product, please use, the temperature of our hands and skin grease, is the best maintenance agent. 2. After use, such as leather become dry, there are fine lines, evenly coated with leather maintenance oil can be. Leather Origin: Italian vegetable tannery ( the back of the cow, the cortex is the best place for the whole leather quality) Production Origin: Taiwan
SEACHY-[カスタマイズ]ハードドライブ保護レザーケース/パワーバンク保護ケース本革植物タンニンなめしのオリジナルデザイン Ω
¥ 5628
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マウスパッド(バラ) Ω
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新作ーYUNオリジナル銅版版画パソコンバッグ Ω
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サボテンから生まれた!? 地球に優しいヴィーガンレザーのMacBook Airケース Ω
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501 入札履歴