『コットンプリントボーイズシャツ-スノーグレー Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-e6ccf21db3から04月30日 08時 12分に出品され04月30日 08時 12分に終了予定です。即決価格は3,804円に設定されています。現在418件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。京都府からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Brighten your summer - Indian cover dyeing! Walking and jumping in the mountains, going to the beach, in the bright sunshine, and celebrations in a atmosphere. A bright yellow shirt, put on a bright red dress Let the flowers in the dyed totem bloom in your summer. Bring more smiles and erase all unpleasantness. ____________________ Your! 【Product Features】 ・From dyeing to stamping and sewing, it is all handmade in India! ・The fabric is made of skin-friendly 100% cotton, which is cool, breathable and comfortable. ・Slim fit, exquisite totem, saturated color, colorful your life. ・Using Indian high-grade ebony buttons, it is the same grade of wood as a pipe, and the texture is extra. 【Production Team: Cooperative Women of the Bumeka Project】 This batch of clothes was made by the women in the workshop of the Bumeka Project, all of whom currently live in the Ganges city of Varanasi, India middle. This batch is the first batch of production we cooperated with, and we also invited professional tailors in the city to the workshop to gradually teach them to complete this complex clothing. It took about a year from teaching, development, and revision to the final completion. It is a very difficult piece of clothing that has gone through a complete epidemic stage. Now it can finally be brought out. I am really touched! 【Introduction to cover dyeing process】 Trampers clothes are the crystallization of hundreds of years of Indian craftsmanship. Let Tramper take you to know about Indias special drape dyeing process now! [The first step - dyeing] Indians use natural plant colors as dyes. After hundreds of times of dip-dyeing, the white cotton cloth is dyed with special colors, and then the hot water dyes with special ingredients are prepared. Put the cloth in it to boil. Finally, expose it to the sun for two days until it is completely dry, and the background color of the cover dyeing cloth is done! 〔Step 2-Seal engraving〕 The delicate pattern on the dyed cloth is covered with a wooden stamp! And these seals are all from the hands of specially carved craftsmen. They carved the gorgeous India in their eyes into the stamped seals one by one and brought them to us in the distance. [Step 3 - Start Cover Dyeing] Cover dyeing is a craft that requires a lot of concentration and skill. In addition to adjusting the distance between the totems, it also requires a lot of practice to accurately master the strength! Every craftsman needs to go through thousands of hours of training to become a master. [Step 4 - Making clothes from womens workshops] The cooperative womens workshops that signed the Boumeca project will make drape into clothes. After nearly a year of development and learning, they have been able to operate independently , and continue to create clothes of stable quality. [Step 5 - Youre done! ] finally done! Next is to accompany everyone to spend the hot summer season, shining in all corners of the world! 【Notes】 1. About buttons Since this batch is made for women for the first time, a few clothes have buttonholes that are not fully opened. We will manually open the holes before shipping, please mind Do not place an order for now, thank you very much! 2. About cleaning Please clean it alone! In the first few times of cleaning, it is normal for the water to fade, and it is normal for dyed products to fade after water cleaning! 3. Can I return the product if the size does not fit? Tramper online has unconditional returns within 7 days after purchase! Please keep the items clean and undisturbed, and privately message Trampers Facebook message to let us know your order number and needs. サイズ サイズ/寸法 身幅(cm) 肩幅(cm) 着丈(cm) 袖丈(cm) S 52 44 74.5 22 M 54 45.5 77.5 26 L 57 50 81 28 サイズガイド
コットンプリントガールズシャツ-カメリアレッド Ω
¥ 3866
コットンプリントガールズシャツ-ハイビスカスブラック Ω
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送料無料 ノーカラーデザインブラウス 半袖 ネイビー Ω
¥ 4524
リネンのノーカラーシャツ Ω
¥ 9750
リネンのショールカラーシャツ Ω
¥ 9750
薄手で軽い綿100%サテン 草花模様の半袖シャツ / コセンダングサ Ω
¥ 10400
【染め】草と木で染められた古代の青で染められた男性オリジナルの女性のルーズコットンVネックの恋人ネックTシャツ Ω
¥ 9425
【染め】T-shirtシャツ草木染め古法ブルー染め早春オリジナルヘンリーカラーヴィンテージ文芸長袖カップルドレスTシャツ Ω
¥ 8346
【染め】古法藍染植物染草木染夏オリジナル女性純綿tシャツ復古丸首7分袖 Ω
¥ 7566
【染め】藍染草木染め植物染め秋冬オリジナル純綿のタートルネックをベースにしたスリムな長袖tシャツ Ω
¥ 8346
【受注生産】メンズアロハシャツ〈アレキサンダーヘンリー生地〉 Ω
¥ 11500
リネンオーバーシルエットシャツ(ホワイト) Ω
¥ 8580
薄手で軽い綿100%サテン 草花模様の半袖シャツ / ハコベ・フラサバソウ Ω
¥ 10400
アートTシャツ―丸い窓 Ω
¥ 3346
BIGポケットドルマンシャツ Ω
¥ 9828
1点 染み込み風 ストライプシャツ【03】ネイビー 汚し加工 ロック/ワーク/汚れ/音楽/ビンテージ/デニム Ω
¥ 4290
オールシーズンに活躍!藍染めオックスフォード長袖Yシャツ 唐松絞り 幽玄夜空濃淡染め技法 男女兼用 Ω
¥ 17500
像柄半袖シャツ Ω
¥ 10270
418 入札履歴