『アオガン富裕モデルカスタマイズ/エナジーストーン/アオガンクリスタル/オルゴナイト/チャクラ/アオガン/クリスタルピラミッド/ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月20日 09時 58分に出品され04月20日 09時 58分に終了予定です。即決価格は5,049円に設定されています。現在584件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。千葉県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
#奥根#奥刚#Crystal#Inspiration#Handmade#Energy#Orgonite #Energy Tower#奥根塔#奥刚塔#Energy Pyramid The Orgonite in this workshop★ All custom-made★ Create a personal exclusive Orgonite (each product is handmade) can be customized Orgonite size (medium) 5cm x 5cm / (large) 10cm x 10cm / (extra large) 15cm x 15cm *The bigger the stone, the stronger the energy Orgonite : Ancient Sanskrit Chakraology points out that there are seven glands in the human body arranged in a straight line and vertically. from bottom to top is the root chakra, navel chakra, sun chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow chakra and crown chakra, which respectively emit energy of seven light frequencies of "red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple". Functions of different chakras ★The bottom chakra, navel chakra, and sun chakra manage the basic physiological functions of human beings; ★Heart chakra and throat chakra are to connect and make the soul tend to spirituality; Such as the sixth sense and connection to the universe consciousness and so on. Orgonites operating principle "Resin" shrinks after solidification and removes the "metal debris" with extremely small extruded particles, causing the original form of these energies to be destroyed and reformed to become a harmonious basic form. natural "crystal pillar" is like a catalyst to accelerate the conversion efficiency. orgonite energy factory Orgonite is like a factory that produces positive energy. Resin is the entrance to receive raw materials (regardless of positive and negative energy will be absorbed), and then the raw materials are processed by the employees in the factory (i.e., crystals). can be converted into positive energy), and then the goods are sent to the exit (metal) for distribution. And the weight of resin and metal is 1:1, just like the size of the entrance and exit of the factory. If the amount of metal is insufficient (the export is too small), the converted energy cannot be effectively released, so sufficient metal amount is very important. metal gravel is an important basic element, so the part of useful Orgonite cannot be transparent. Orgonite is very practical and has a wide range of applications: often used to restore health, climate, plants. It can: 1. Reduce radiation and harmful electromagnetic waves 2. Transform negative energy into positive energy 3. Heal and balance each chakra 4. Improve insomnia 5. Increase life energy frequency 6. Increase negative ions in the air 7. Meditate and meditate 8. Improve Feng Shui 9. Reduce negative energy from the outside world 10. Repair your aura and increase frequency 11. Relieve stress and pain 12. Enhance animal energy 13. Make a wish* *********************************************** Crowd 1. Strength The changer 2. The person with bad luck 3. The person with bad relationship 4. The person with bad fortune 5. The person with low mood 6. Single man and woman 7. The person who improves the intelligence, the student 8. The person who is in poor health 9. Often faces electronic products 10. Healing and balancing each chakra meditation 11. Improve Feng Shui Attention! Because each Aogang is hand-molded, the extrusion of epoxy resin and materials during the process will inevitably cause micro air bubbles and will not affect the energy , the design and color will be slightly different from the photos due to . If you are a buyer who cares, please think more before placing an order. Exchanges are not accepted, thank you! Do not buy.
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