『[小山] KYM-C100 23インチウクレレスプルース単板ソリッドスプルースコンサートウクレレ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から05月16日 18時 01分に出品され05月16日 18時 01分に終了予定です。即決価格は16,370円に設定されています。現在173件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。山形県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The wood is carefully selected. The panel is made of spruce veneer. The side back panel is rosewood. The wood grain is meticulous and the color is beautiful. Every time you move, you can jump out the warm and personalized notes, and the sound is sweet and resonating. Quality Ukulele is almost made of wood. Wooden instruments are most susceptible to deformation due to changes in temperature and humidity, especially the parts of the handle. The fingerboard is made of clear and delicate rosewood. The neck is naturally dried after 6 months. The production plant of KOYAMA has more than 40,000 handles in the natural dryness at any time, so that the produced Ukuleli will not be externally exposed. Deformed by environmental influences. For quality, we invest considerable time and cost of preparation. Sound quality pursuit In addition to the requirements of wood material, all the accessories that will affect the sound quality of Ukulele, such as the string, string button, upper and lower string pillows... at the request of the teacher, choose the higher cost material. Good wood and accessories, plus experienced and skilled luthiers, make KOYAMAs voices thick and bright mid-range! Each of the KOYAMA pianos has a strap with a special strap to make it easier to play Ukulele. Item ID Model: KYM-C100 Body Style Size: 23吋Concert Top Panel: Spruce Solid Sprce Back / Sides Side Back: Rosewood Fingerboard Fingerboard: Rosewood Bridge Download : Rosewood Fret: 18 String String: Aquila Scale Chord: 375mm Nut Pillow: PPS ※ The piano has been tuned before sending it, but because it is a new string, you need Tuning will gradually stabilize for a while. ※One year warranty (strings, accessories and other consumables are not covered by the warranty)
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