『手縫い純綿サイドバックパック、刺繍クロスボディバッグ、手刺繍ショルダーバッグ、手縫いインディゴバッグ、インディゴクリスマス交換ギ Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-a364791fa8から04月20日 15時 16分に出品され04月20日 15時 16分に終了予定です。即決価格は11,144円に設定されています。現在899件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。茨城県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
▲Made of hand-touched blue-dyed weaving, it is a good item to match with clothes. It has the feel of pure cotton - a wonderful experience of returning to nature ▲Combined with the fantasy starry sky of One Thousand and One Nights, it is like a sky full of stars, bringing the scenery with you Go ▲Indigo dyed fabric is dyed by plants, does not contain chemical ingredients, and is also a fabric that cares for the earth. ▲Combined with fresh embroidery, adding a subtle galaxy star style ▲The straps are also hand-embroidered, and you can see the details! ▲Lightweight design that is easy to carry when traveling ▲The silver buckle full of fun is worth savoring ▲Sewn cotton inside, combining indigo dyeing and hand-embroidery style, is a practical design ▲Integrated hand-woven Made from high-quality fabrics, combined with perfect sewing techniques, there’s nothing sloppy about it! ▲Don’t bump into other people’s bags easily, go traveling with an embroidered cross-body bag! ▲ Comes with hand-touch carton packaging, making it convenient for you to give gifts ▲ Bring my free style, I am going to travel, I have arrived in a country that requires imagination, activate the function of mind 3D, yourself as a free bird. It turns out that traveling is the most comfortable way of life. Bring your own colorful backpack and live a little hippie life occasionally! ▲Dimensions Width 32 cm Height 23 cm Strap length 111 cm Strap width 7 cm Because each person’s measurement method and position are slightly different, the dimensions are all horizontal manual measurements. Depending on factors such as the elasticity of the fabric and the starting point of measurement, There is a slight deviation from the actual size. The error size of ±3cm is the acceptable range of international inspection standards. ▲Material: 100% natural blue-dyed cotton ▲Washing method Use clean water to wash by hand.
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899 入札履歴