『ロングチェック柄フード付きワンピース - ライトブルー Ω』はヤフオクでkJ-93bcc6ce58から04月18日 18時 24分に出品され04月18日 18時 24分に終了予定です。即決価格は7,297円に設定されています。現在869件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。北海道からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Simple and easy to wear hooded tops, single or trousers are all versatile loose cut, easy to wear slim slimming effect outside the rim with plaid fabric for contrast color stressed Hooded edge Neckline with a warm hand-featured wooden dotted button Simple shirt with a college-style long version of the loose version, when the dress can make the overall proportion is more slender cuffs are used with pure cotton ribs. The tightness is moderate. When the weather is cold, you dont have to worry about the cold wind. are curved cut pockets on both sides of the pocket. The inner edge of the pocket is contrasted with color, which makes it easy to store small objects and add a whole sense of detail. body of the garment is made of cotton sweater fabric. It feels skin-friendly and warm fabric is heat-resistant and shrink-proof is no need to worry about shrinking and deformation when washing. *Washing Tips* recommended to wash by hand. Extend the life of your clothes dark and light clothes separately to avoid blooming Do not soak for a long time to avoid fabric damage hand washing, dry in a cool place to dry 啰^^ ※Please order Be sure to describe the size of the remarks column, otherwise you dont know which size you are suitable for :) サイズ サイズ/寸法 身幅(cm) 肩幅(cm) 着丈(cm) 袖丈(cm) S 44 36 75 59 M 46 38 76 60 L 48 40 77 61 サイズガイド
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¥ 7297
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¥ 4680
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¥ 6272
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¥ 9204
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¥ 6133
ドールカラーのゆったりしたロングセーター - スカイブルー Ω
¥ 6133
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¥ 2367
♔Cooma♘ Ⓓⓔⓢⓘ Long Sleeve Long Top-【スレッドフラワー/フラワー】(赤) 元値 Ω
¥ 2329
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¥ 4134
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¥ 4134
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¥ 11700
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¥ 13200
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¥ 13750
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¥ 10270
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¥ 10764
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¥ 4680
巻き貝ランダムフレア!甘すぎない野草柄の大人可愛いキャミソール・ミニワンピース Ω
¥ 11000
869 入札履歴